![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So I'm at Taco Bell earlier tonight, and when my turn comes at the speaker, the oblivious gentleman in the Subaru Legacy ahead of me left a half a car leght in front of him, leaving me half a car length back from the speaker. As I shouted my order at the poor girl inside and stared disgustedly at the nimrod in front of me in his overly sensible sedan, I noticed a sticker on his read window that read: iDrive55.
Now, this being a Subaru and not a BMW, I figured he probably wasn't just a proud enthusiast of the Bavarian automaker's infotainment system, but a proud enthusiast of something far more disturbing. After getting my food, a quick Google search confirmed my suspicions.
Well, fuck me sideways. This video pretty much speaks for itself, and it's safe to assume we can all agree that they're stupid, we're better than you, nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo, but here's the low down for the YouTube video adverse among you.
Called the Drive 55 Conservation Project, they advocate following every speed limit and never driving faster than 55 miles per hour, despite the fact that most speed limits are arbitrarily low and the majority of cars sold here in the past 100 years can safely travel in excess of 55 miles per hour. Their reasoning, predictably, is that you get better mileage and are thus saving the planet, farting rainbows, and shitting baby polar bears.
The members shown in the video look like the sort of drivers you'd expect to see doing 55 in the left lane in their Prius with an "iDrive55" sticker proudly displayed above "Obama/Biden", right next to "I Love My Granddogs". Their !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! is mercifully devoid of any further information or any way to purchase these stickers, so I have to assume this Subaru driver is a particularly enthusiastic speed limit abider and not much of a Hagar fan.
At least we have one thing in common.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:35 |
So, do they go 55 in 70 mph zones? Because that's kind of dangerous to fuck with the flow of traffic in such a manor.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:35 |
They can drive however slowly they want, as long as they stay the fuck out of the left lane on the highway. Which many of them do not.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:37 |
They shouldn't be driving in a manor in the first place.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:38 |
Bullshit. My Safari is going to the the same shitty 11MPG at 65 at it does at 55. None of their communist bullshit is going to stop my 'Murican 4.3 from using fuel like we're still in the Clinton administration.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:39 |
hula hoop, pet rock and hip. Im sold.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:40 |
I would ticket the fuck out of them for doing 55 in a 70. Because it is unsafe, unless there is hurricane force winds north of 40 mph. And or snowing like it is now.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:42 |
Oh good. I hate these types of people. "I am doing the speed limit it says 100 km/h...I'll go in the left lane".
God damn it!!!!! - EVERYONE ELSE!
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:42 |
Wonder if minimum speed limits apply?
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:43 |
The 55 vs 65mph myth is mostly because of scares back when the speed limit was first raised. Because most cars were geared to run at low RPMs at 55mph for MPG measurements, when you drove them at 65mph they got a noticeably worse fuel mileage. Lobbyists against raising the speed limit sent out propaganda about this and the myth has persisted ever since.
In reality, it's a very negligible difference between 55 and 65 for the same RPM.
In some cases, these people might be getting WORSE mileage at 55 because their transmission stays in a lower gear, turning higher RPMs at highway speed and causing more drag on the engine and components than the tiny aerodynamic benefit of going 10mph slower.
Hypermiling techniques such as coasting and drafting will get you much further than this idiocy.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:43 |
Just FYI for these folks, driving 55 where I live would literally get someone killed. NO ONE drives slower than 65 on the freeway. there IS an increase of potential for injury in a wreck with higher speeds, that's not correlated with an increase in likelihood however there IS a correlation between likelihood of a wreck and a large deviation from the median speed. i.e. driving 80 in a 65 when the traffic is moving 70 is safer than driving 55 in a 65 when the traffic is moving 70. Thanks a lot conservationists for putting your gas bill above the safety of me and everyone else on the road.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:46 |
the slogan on their website is a bit of an conundrum "always obey speed limits and never exceed 55"
somebody really didn't think it through
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:47 |
I live in manor park. I drive in it all the time.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:50 |
if you really want to save the planet, don't drive 55, buy a prius and then STFU
you'll save a ton more gas and not be an asshole to everyone around by buying a fuel efficent car rather than driving 55 in your big SUV.. plus places where the speed limit is 65, its stupid to drive 55, its better to speed and go with the flow of traffic rather than go the speed limit which is often an arbitrary number come up with by politicians who know nothing about traffic flow and whatnot anyways.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:50 |
Over here they do. Someone rolling along the freeway at almost half speed of everyone else is going to get their turds pushed in by the po-po.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:51 |
I cannot believe that of all the arguments they could've gone with, they went for being hip and cool. No one in that video was even remotely hip or cool.
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![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:53 |
it truely is as hip as the hula hoop and the pet rock, as in, THIS WENT OUT OF STYLE 30 YEARS AGO!!!
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:53 |
Haha, Here in Virginia I'm not really sure WHAT they would do.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:56 |
The old lady says "it'll save a whole lot of lives!"
How? Because someone getting hit at 55 mph will *surely* not kill them, but someone going 65 will! Or how about how slowing down an entire lane of traffic and being an obstacle, apparently that's safe...
But who the fuck cares! According to that old guy, it's hip!
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:57 |
that shirt was my first clue, the ship was leaky from the start but the pet rock sank it for me.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:57 |
This is from a hyper-miler forum, most seem to stay under 65.
The highest limit on Long Island is 55, I'd say Long Island Expressway traffic averages about 70, most roads average about 10 over the limit. I generally always drive over, I'm sorry but 35 or 45 is absurd for most roads listed as such.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 22:57 |
I refuse to watch the video. I already want to punch the smarmy little cunt grinning smugly in her shitty fucking Volvo for the splash image. I want to punch the guy in the Subaru in front of you. I want to punch you for bringing this to my attention. I want to find the founder of this stupid-ass organization and drag him behind my truck at 75 miles an hour so his final contribution to society is repaving I-39 in gore and viscera.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:01 |
Buy a Porsche 918. It's even better.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:02 |
If they can drive 55 (even in a Prius, a car I have no problem with) without incident and without endangering anyone else, fine. But if 95 is crowded and I'm trying to get home, and I have to go right lane left lane right lane left lane to get around them, I'm not a safe driver. My rule is, if the cars in the right lane are going the limit, that's where I'll stay. I only use center/left lane to pass. If I want to go faster I'll use the center lane, but I'm getting out of the way of someone who seriously wants to speed.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:03 |
I'd be lying if I said this wasn't how I felt when I googled it.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:04 |
@ 25 seconds....man thats the best part. Hard left turn...no wheel movement.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:07 |
but that is actually a decent car. unlike a prius, these people should be condemned to crappy cars.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:08 |
Shucks, I sure wish I hadn't started smoking in high school and instead had picked up hoola hooping and speed limit following. Just think of how fucking hip and cool I would be today, I'd be dripping in bitches.
Seriously, that he thinks pet rocks and hoola hoops are still hip is fucking adorable.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:10 |
if they want to save the environment they can take the fucking bus or carpool
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:11 |
You wanted to punch yourself too?
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:14 |
The average speed on the Long Island Expressway is easily 65, more likely 70+. The limit is 55 but no one does it.
At work occasionally they'll have me drive a car to set the monitors for emissions inspection and you have to log some highway miles at 55mph. Virtually every single car on the highway passes me, it's very rare that I overtake someone. Traffic is very light on the LIE where I am, so it just works out that I'm not impeding traffic, but on busier stretches it would absolutely be dangerous. I also maintain awareness of my surroundings and am courteous of faster traffic.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:15 |
Yeah, sorta. Mainly the Subaru driver, but myself for researching it.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:18 |
I howled reading the original post and many of the replies! If these people want to feel so self-righteous, they should do their traveling on a bicycle or on foot.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:18 |
in Utah most of i15 is 80 mph limit. try that shit there and be prepared to cause a death
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:22 |
I think I just lost a few brain cells.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:26 |
If you want safety on a freeway, you need everyone to be travelling at the same speed so their relative speed is 0. Going 55 in a 70 zone isn't very safe.
If I'm honest, wouldn't it be good to implement a minimum speed limit? Keep people within a certain speed range to minimise the occurrence of major differences in relative speed.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:26 |
Thank you, I appreciate that. Writing isn't my strong suit, and I wanted to be funny without stooping too far into Doug Demuro levels of humorous tangents.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:28 |
It amazes me how the speed limit can be 80 in one part of the country, yet 80mph here apparently equals firey death.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:30 |
I want them all to know that every time I drive an AMG I'm likely using more gas in my 5 minute road test than they do in 10 miles of driving 55. If they really want to make a difference they can start a campaign to stick catalytic converters up each others's asses so every time they fart they're not polluting.
But seriously, a lot of cars run at lower rpm's around 65-70 than they do at 55 and so get better mileage going faster, my rear wheel drive v8 sport sedan included. Hey, idrive55, gearing's a bitch ain't it. Oh, and don't forget that disposing of your prius battery when it dies is [probably] more harmful to the environment than someone daily driving a suburban for 20 years.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:30 |
Here on the Long Island Expressway its a 45min/55max. Either is dangerously slow in most areas.
![]() 11/26/2014 at 23:48 |
So we're in agreement then.
![]() 11/27/2014 at 00:00 |
Here are some of my favorite YouTube comments for that video:
Try this: Go from 70 to 80. You'll be AMAZED at how much less time your trip will take.
if you want to go 55 then so be it. but dont force everyone else to
Stay to the right then.
And last but not least,
Me drive 55?? Not if they shoot me on the side of the road, haul the rest of my family off to a concentration camp and send them to the "showers"!!!
I made sure to thumb the video down as hard as I could.
![]() 11/27/2014 at 00:05 |
I think I need that last one framed and hung on my wall.
![]() 11/27/2014 at 00:14 |
Everybody goes like 80 brah
![]() 11/30/2014 at 02:14 |
Ill bring chains for the draggin. better than rope - dont wear thru.
![]() 12/21/2014 at 11:17 |
You all should say "thank you" to these nice people, for reducing aggregate demand for gasoline and thus driving your gas prices down. Unless, of course, they're doing this in the fast lane, which is wrong, wrong, wrong .